The 4th IBPSA-Scotland uSIM Conference will be hosted by the University of Edinburgh, November 25 2024.

uSIM focuses on the application of building simulation to community and urban-scale challenges. This year’s theme is the use building simulation to support Net Zero policy development and implementation.

uSIM2024 - Shaping net zero policies with building simulation. With governments everywhere facing the immense challenge of meeting mid-century Net Zero targets, the need for modelling and simulation to guide policy development has never been more apparent. uSIM brings together building simulation experts from academia and industry, along with the policy and standards community to explore key challenges, highlight new developments, and share best practice to help realise our Net Zero ambitions.

Conference Themes
Original contributions are welcome from researchers and practitioners in these indicative areas:
  1. Building simulation at scale – stock modelling, energy networks, city and regional modelling
  2. Built environment energy policy landscape
  3. Calibration, validation and the application of uncertainty at scale
  4. Case-studies of modelling for policy development and support
  5. Case studies in urban energy modelling
  6. Modelling outputs for non-technical audiences
  1. Data acquisition at scale
  2. Multi-domain simulation for sustainable cities and communities
  3. Future energy compliance and certification
  4. Software developments - new technical and policy support tools, models, and metrics
  5. Supporting a just transition to Net Zero
  6. Characterising urban energy resources
Papers in areas related to, or spanning these themes are also welcome.

All successfully reviewed papers will be published in the proceedings, which appear on the IBPSA website Selected papers will be invited to submit an expanded version to a special issue of the Journal of Building Performance Simulation, published by Taylor and Francis.

A total of 38 abstracts have been received from 12 countries. Statistics are available here. It's going to be a busy day!

uSIM2024 is generously sponsored by IES Ltd, and supported by IBPSA-Scotland, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Strathclyde, Heriot Watt University and Napier University.

This web site is being regularly updated, so bookmark it for the latest news on uSIM. We look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you at the conference!


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Conference Supporters